Ponderosa Zoo, originally named Ponderosa Rural Therapeutic Centre, was created by Maureen Cook in 1991. The centre aimed to 'bridge the gap' between disabled and able-bodied people by using the care of animals as a form of therapy.

Whilst previously, the centre was home to a variety of domestic animals including Pigs, Goats and Cattle, we now look after over 130 animals from Lemurs and Reindeers to Tortoises and Snakes. Although Ponderosa Zoo has grown over the years, our 'Bridge the Gap' vision remains one of our key priorities by ensuring the Zoo is accessible to all. Our team of hard working individuals are passionate about promoting animal welfare, as well as educating visitors on conservation efforts and threats many species now face in the wild.

In 2021 we took another step in our journey by becoming full BIAZA members.

Our Mission

To inspire people of all ages and abilities through Zoo-led education and engaging experiences, helping to ensure the survival of species and biomes for future generations with the aim of contributing towards active conservation.

Our Aim

We aim that all of our customers have a fantastic day out at Ponderosa Zoo whilst learning about species in the wild and in captivity through educational signage and keeper talks which take place throughout school holidays.


01924 235276 / office@ponderosa-centre.co.uk

Lakeside Restaurant
01924 404604 / lakeside@ponderosa-lakeside.co.uk

Day Care
01924 404154

Ponderosa Zoo,
Off Smithies Lane,
WF16 0PN

 Opening Hours 10am – 5pm daily. 

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