African Spurred Tortoise (Centrochelys sulcata) African Spurred Tortoises are native to the Sahara Desert and the Sahel in Africa. To get to areas with higher moisture, these Tortoises dig burrows which may reach up to 10 feet below the ground where they spend the warmer parts of the day. They then come out when theRead more ⟶
Author: Ponderosa
Chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) Chinchillas are exceptionally social animals. Colonies in the wild can sometimes exceed 100’s of individuals. Their thick fur keeps them warm in their mountain habitat, but unfortunately it is this thick fur that humans hunt for, resulting in the Chinchilla being classed as critically endangered in the wild. FUN FACTS AnimalRead more ⟶
Giant South American River Turtle
Giant South American River Turtle (Podocnemis expansa) Giant South American River Turtles inhabit freshwater rivers with sandy banks or sandbars, which are crucial for nesting. FUN FACTS Animal Class: Reptile. Distribution: South America. Habitat: Wetlands and Rivers. Diet: Omnivorous. They primarily eat fruit, but also eat seeds, roots, leaves, freshwater sponges, small fish, crustaceans and molluscs. Appearance:Read more ⟶
Red-footed Tortoises
Red-footed Tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria) They are medium-sized tortoises, native to Central and South America. FUN FACTS Animal Class: Reptile. Distribution: Central and South America. Habitat: Tropical forests and savannah grasslands. Diet: Omnivorous. Eat a wide range of fruits, plants, and flowers, will also eat fungi and carrion. Appearance: Red-footed Tortoises get their name from theirRead more ⟶
Black Tree Monitor
Black Tree Monitor (Varanus beccari) The Black Tree Monitor is native to humid forests and mangrove swamps in the Aru Islands. FUN FACTS Animal Class: Reptile. Distribution: Indonesia. Habitat: Forests. Diet: Carnivorous. Eat a wide array of invertebrates and small vertebrates. Appearance: Black in colour. Size: Up to 120cm. Lifespan: 10-15 years. CONSERVATION STATUS DataRead more ⟶
Standings Day Geckos
Standings Day Gecko (Phelsuma standingi) Standings Day Geckos inhabit dry forests and thornbush. They are great climbers and use special scales on the underside of their toes to cling to surfaces. FUN FACTS Animal Class: Reptile. Distribution: Madagascar. Habitat: Shrublands and Forests. Diet: Eat a wide array of invertebrates and small vertebrates. Appearance: Brown /Read more ⟶
Pancake Tortoises
Pancake Tortoise (Malacochersus tornieri) The Pancake Tortoise is native to Tanzania and Kenya. Pancake Tortoise run when they get scared, which is different to other tortoise species. FUN FACTS Animal Class: Reptile. Distribution: Africa. Habitat: Rocky areas and savannah grasslands. Diet: Herbivores. Eat a wide range of plants, weeds, and flowers. Appearance: Unlike other tortoiseRead more ⟶
Pygmy Goats
Pygmy Goat (Capra hircus) The Pygmy Goat is a breed of miniature domestic goat and tend to be kept as pets. Although they also work well as milk producers and working animals. The Pygmy Goat is a hardy goat, adaptable to virtually all climates and an asset in a wide variety of settings. FUN FACTSRead more ⟶
Death Head Cockroaches
Death Head Cockroach (Blaberus craniifer) FUN FACTS Animal Class: Invertebrate. Distribution: Central America and South Florida. Habitat: Forest floors amongst the leaves and dead wood. Appearance: Black / brown in colour. Size: Up to 1.5 inches. Diet: Omnivorous. Lifespan: 8+ months. CONSERVATION STATUS Unknown. Population Trend Unknown. Threats There are no major threats to thisRead more ⟶
Giant Thorny Stick Insects
Giant Thorny Stick Insect (Trachyaretaon brueckneri) FUN FACTS Animal Class: Invertebrate. Distribution: Saba, in Borneo. Diet: Fresh leaves of bramble, blackberry, rose, oak raspberry or ivy. Lifespan: Up to 2 years. CONSERVATION STATUS Unknown. Population Trend Unknown. Threats There are no major threats to this species. Population Unknown Did you know? Their spikes are notRead more ⟶