Giant Madagascan Day Gecko (Phelsuma grandis) Within their genus, Giant Madagascan Day Gecko’s are the largest species. FUN FACTS Animal Class: Reptile. Distribution: Madagascar. Habitat: Forests. Diet: Omnivorous. Eat a wide range of invertebrates and small vertebrates. They also eat fruits, nectar, and pollen. Appearance: Red stripes that run from their nostrils to theirRead more ⟶
Author: Ponderosa
Budwing Stick Insects
Budwing Stick Insect (Phaenopharos khaoyaiensis) FUN FACTS Animal Class: Invertebrate. Distribution: Thailand. Diet: Herbivorous. Lifespan: Approximately 1 year. CONSERVATION STATUS Unknown. Population Trend Unknown. Threats There are no major threats to this species. Population Unknown Did you know? Like other species of stick insect the budwing can lay eggs without mating, this is called parthenogenesis,Read more ⟶
Red-fronted Brown Lemurs
Red-fronted Brown Lemur (Eulemur rufifrons) FUN FACTS Animal Class: Mammals. Distribution: Central Western and South-Eastern Madagascar. Habitat: Western dry lowland forests and Southeast rainforest. Diet: Frugivores – fruit, leaves, flowers, insects and arthropods. Appearance: Males have grey / grey – brown fur and females have orange fur. Size: Up to 96cm. Lifespan: Up to 25 years. CONSERVATIONRead more ⟶
Mexican Red Knee Tarantula
Mexican Red Knee Tarantula (Brachypelma auratum) The Mexican Red Knee Tarantula, also known as the Red-Kneed Tarantula, is a type of burrowing Tarantula that inhabits the pacific mountains of Mexico. The Mexican Red Knee Tarantula is most well-known for its hairy body and the red bands on its legs. FUN FACTS Animal Class: Invertebrate. Distribution:Read more ⟶
Blue Legged Mantella
Blue Legged Mantella (Mantella expectata) Blue Legged Mantella are found in the Isalo National Park and areas south of it in Madagascar. They live in areas of seasonal streams and wet canyons. FUN FACTS Animal Class: Amphibian. Distribution: South-Western Madagascar. Habitat: Wetlands or Primary and Secondary Forests. Diet: Insectivorous. Eat a wide range of smallRead more ⟶
Golden Mantella
Golden Mantella (Mantella Aurantiaca) Golden Mantella are found in East-Central Madagascar, restricted to three areas around the town of Moromanga. They usually inhabit damp, swampy areas, often associated with Screw Pine Forests. FUN FACTS Animal Class: Amphibian. Distribution: East-Central Madagascar. Habitat: Wetlands or Primary and Secondary Forests. Diet: Insectivorous. Eat a wide range of smallRead more ⟶
Koi Carp
Koi Carp (Cyprinus rubrofuscus) Koi Carp are cold freshwater fish which are found in ponds around the world due to their ability to adapt to different living conditions and environments. FUN FACTS Animal Class: Ray-finned Fishes. Distribution: They are an ornate domesticated variant of the Common Carp so as such, they don’t have their ownRead more ⟶
Guianan Squirrel Monkeys
Guianan Squirrel Monkey (Saimiri sciureus) FUN FACTS Animal Class: Mammals. Distribution: Central and South America. Habitat: Forests. Diet: Insects, seeds, fruit, flowers, and gum. Appearance: Black muzzle with a white face. Grey / olive / orange fur and a white underbelly. Size: Up to 60cm in length. Lifespan: Up to 25 years. CONSERVATION STATUS LeastRead more ⟶
Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) A close relation of Llamas, the Alpaca is famed for its thick dense wool. Recently, Alpacas have been farmed for their wool as it brings a better price at market than the more common sheep’s wool. FUN FACTS Animal Class: Mammals. Distribution: Central and southern Peru and western Bolivia. Habitat: Mountains.Read more ⟶
Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) Also known as Caribou in North America, the reindeer is a hardy and charismatic species that inhabits the northern reaches of the planet. Although there are several different sub-species of Reindeer, they are all superbly adapted to life in the extreme conditions of the north. The Reindeer’s coat is madeRead more ⟶