South American Coatis

South American Coati (Nasua Nasua)   Also known as the Ring Tailed Coati, they are a member of a raccoon family and easily recognisable by their reddish-brown fur, long banded tail and elongated snout. Although coatis have long tails, they can’t use them like monkeys do, hanging from trees and holding objects. Instead, they useRead more ⟶

Common Marmosets

Common Marmoset (Callithrix Jacchus)   Common marmosets are New World monkeys, a term describing monkeys from South and Central America. They are also referred to as the ‘White Tufted Marmoset’ due to the large white tufts of fur around their ears. Common Marmosets eat a diet high in tree sap and have specialised teeth toRead more ⟶

Raccoon Dogs

Raccoon Dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) Raccoon Dogs are members of the dog family, native to Eastern Asia and introduced into Europe. They are social animals that live in pairs or small groups. FUN FACTS Animal Class: Mammals. Distribution: Eastern Asia and Europe. Habitat: Forests, shrubland, grassland. Diet: Small mammals, small birds, eggs, invertebrates, amphibians, fish vegetationRead more ⟶

Asian Short Clawed Otters

Asian Short Clawed Otter (Aonyx cinereus)   Asian Short Clawed Otters are the smallest of all 13 otter species and are native to Asia. They have thick, insulating fur made from short hairs kept clean and healthy by their constant grooming. Asian Short Clawed Otters have short but very flexible sensitive claws useful for digging,Read more ⟶

Scottish Wildcats

Scottish Wildcat (Felis silvestris silvestris)   Historically, Scottish Wildcats lived across Britain but are now only found in the Scottish Highlands. They are the largest of the wildcat family, double the size of a domestic pet cat and considerably more ferocious. FUN FACTS Animal Class: Mammals. Distribution: Scotland Habitat: Scottish countryside. Diet: Rabbits, small rodents, birdsRead more ⟶

Cape Porcupines

Cape Porcupine (Hystrix africaeaustralis) FUN FACTS Animal Class: Mammals. Distribution: Southern and Central Africa. Habitat: Rocky hill areas. Diet: Roots, fruit, and bark. Appearance: Black and white quills.  Size: Up to 1m in length and weighs up to 20kg.  Lifespan: Up to 10 years in the wild and up to 20 years in captivity.  CONSERVATIONRead more ⟶


Serval (Leptailurus serval)   Servals are medium sized wild cats with a tawny, black spotted coats, and a white belly. Their long necks and long legs allow them to see over savannah grasslands. Servals are native to Central and Southern Africa. FUN FACTS Animal Class: Mammals. Distribution: Central and Southern Africa. Habitat: Forests, savannah, grassland,Read more ⟶

Covid- 19 – January Update

Covid-19 Update: August 2021 Do I need to wear a face covering? Visitors are advised to wear face coverings in all enclosed buildings, including the Ticket Office / Gift Shop, Reptile House, Bunny Barn, Toilets, Coffee Shop, and Lakeside Restaurant. Under 11’s are exempt from this rule.   What precautions are in place to ensureRead more ⟶